Photo above used courtesy of Errol Moloto
- The moringa tree has its origins in the northern regions of India. In Africa, two types are grown, moringa oleifera and moringa stenopetala (Lekgau, undated). The moringa tree is considered one of the most nutritious trees in the world since it has vitamins, minerals and amino acids which the human body requires for health.
- The leaves can be used to make moringa juice or tea. They can also be cooked like spinach, or dried and processed into moringa powder. The powder has many uses which include being used as a nutritional additive in soup, porridge and drinks.
- The seeds can be used to produce seedlings, processed into moringa oil (called Ben oil) and in certain communities, to purify water.
- In addition to human consumption, it can be used to feed livestock, and has industrial uses which includes a biofuel.
- Several projects listed on this page came about as a way to stimulate rural development and to address malnutrition. Farming with moringa is a way to create economic activity and jobs. A look through company websites (listed below) will illustrate many of the different products, while the various articles and other sources will introduce the reader to its adaption as a crop, while noting the reported medicinal benefits and nutritious value.

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National strategy and government contact
- Along with notes on their involvement, the website provides contact details for the following institutions: Department of Science and Innovation (DSI); Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD); Department of Education; Department of Health; Department of Trade, Industry and Competition and the Gauteng Department of Economic Growth and Development.
- The Industrial Action Policy Plans (IPAPs) made provision for the establishment of a pilot agri-business hub. One of the deliverables was a moringa processing plant (along with chicken abattoir and vegetable packhouse).
- Moringa featured in the then Department of Science and Technology’s Bio-economy Strategy. See
Role players
Moloto, Errol Tel: 083 382 1409 errol.moloto [at] Moringa entrepreneur (see his photos earlier on this page)
Afrinest Moringa Farm – Afrinest is involved with the farming of moringa, cassava and honey as well as the skilling of emerging farmers. Our operation benefits the communities of the Mopani, Maruleng and Vhembe Districts.
Umgibe Farming Organics and Training Institute – Moringa is included in products sold (see “Store” option on the website).
The Moringa Tree – They “specialize in the development of business plans and the roll out of profitable and sustainable commercial [Moringa] projects”.
Muthi Futhi Trust – It specialises “in the cultivation and processing of African medicinal plants, and the production of traditional medicinal products”
Seriti Institute – Training for communities in financial management and other programmes
Further reference:
Training and research
- Often with notes on the research being conducted, the website provides contact details for the following institutions: University of the Witwatersrand, University of Johannesburg, University of Pretoria, University of KwaZulu-Natal, University of Fort Hare, University of Limpopo, University of North West (Mafikeng campus), Tshwane University of Technology, University of South Africa and Stellenbosch University.
Parastatals and semi-government organisations
- Often with notes on the support offered, provides contact details for the following institutions: Agriculture Research Council (ARC), The Innovation Hub, Egolibio, SEDA, Technology Innovative Agency (TIA) and the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC), South African Bureau of Standards (SABS), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and the South African Military Health Services.
- Health outlets like Faithful to Nature, The Body Shop, Organic Choice Health Shops, Clicks etc stock moringa products
Websites and publications
- Find moringa under Traditional Crops on the FAO website at
- Find the document Medicinal Plants of South Africa, compiled by the Directorate Plant Production at the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural among the brochures at The document “is a guide to the most commonly utilised medicinal plants in South Africa”. Moringa is one of the plants discussed.
- Bassey K, Mabowe M, Mothibe M. & Witika B. 2022. Chemical Characterization and Nutritional Markers of South African Moringa oleifera Seed Oils. Molecules 27(18). Available at
- Read the notes by Zylem “The Benefits of Moringa in Farming” at
- Find the TRIDGE report “Overview of Moringa Market in South Africa” (2022) at
- Mashamaite CV, Pieterse PJ, Mothapo PN & Phiri EE. 2021. Moringa oleifera in South Africa: A review on its production, growing conditions and consumption as a food source. South African Journal of Science, 117(3-4).
- Luhlaza. 2019. Growing and Agro-Processing of Moringa Oleifera with Commercial Potential in South Africa. Available at
- Lekgau, S. Undated. “Moringa Oleifa A Tree Giving Life to Rural Communities”. Pretoria: National Agricultural Marketing Council. Available at
- Find the “Presentation on Lammangata Moringa: The seed of community wellness” by Sedikong sa Lerato at
- Find the document “Growing and processing moringa leaves” by the Moringa Association of Ghana at
- Find videos like “The Amazing Health Benefits of Moringa Oleifera” and “Discovery Channel – Moringa Oleifera“on YouTube.
Some articles
- Mofokeng MM, Mokgehle SN, Masondo AN, Araya NA, Amoo SO. & du Plooy CP. 2022. “Moringa oleifera – a nutritious naturalized tree adapted to South African conditions”. AgriAbout (109). Available at
- Chaney T. 2022, January 10. “5 Health Benefits of Moringa Supported by Science”. EcoWatch. Available at
- Reporter. nd. “Moringa production: Production guidelines for the Miracle tree”. African Farming. Available at
- Refer to the NAMC Agripreneur Issue 25 (June 2021) for the article “Makhunda Capital Regeneration: Making a living out of a tree of life”. Read the publication at
- Patel O. 2021, May 12. “Pasha 107: Exploring the use of the moringa plant in South Africa”. The Conversation. Available at
- Wilson D. 2020, January 2. “What makes moringa good for you?” Medical News Today. Available at
- Waterman C. 2017, October 1. “The Moringa tree enters the arsenal of treatments against chronic diseases “. The Conversation. Available at
- Barloworld. (2017, June 2). “Soup made from miracle Moringa Tree to curb malnutrition in schools”. Available at
- Minors, D. (2017, January 24).”Extracting maximum value from the Moringa plant”. University of the Witswatersrand. Available at
- Mercola, J. (2015, September 19). “The Many Uses of the Mighty Moringa Tree”. Wake Up World. Available at
- Phillips, L. (2014, June 24). “Moringa: superfood for the hungry”. Farmer’s Weekly. Available at